The Evolution of Watermelon

Of all of the ridiculous pairings that could happen between cats and fruits, the pairing of cats and watermelons may be the silliest. I didn't wake up one day anxious to make a watermelon cat bed. I just fell in love with an unusual green and white fabric and I really wanted to buy it. The problem was I just wasn't entirely sure that it would be popular with customers. I mean, how many people wanted a big green cat bed? Other colors tend to be more popular. Then I realized if I found a good red or pink to pair this green with, I could make a "watermelon". This is the first Watermelon Cat Ball® cat bed:
Twix demonstrates our first Watermelon Cat Ball cat bed design
It's such a neat fabric and I wish I could get it again! We also used it to make a Cat Canoe®, demonstrated here by young teenage Retro:
Oh Retro, your crossed eyes were there right from the start!
This beautifully detailed tile pattern with the look of a green kaleidoscope was popular, and people accepted the suggestion that the cat beds were abstracted watermelons, so I continued to look for fabrics I could work with again. Here are more from our archives:
Eventually I located a source for a realistic watermelon fabrics. They are expensive and sometimes hard to get, but they sure are nice prints. We've used these fabrics to make all of our cat bed designs, as you can see in this Pinterest optimized image.
Retro is so cute inside the realistic watermelon Cat Ball®!
This fabric is quite realistic and has been fun to work with. It can be hard to keep these beds in stock.
Our New Watermelon
There's nothing wrong with our classic, realistic watermelon fabrics. We love them. But wait until you see what we found:
This green on green zig zag fabric was perfect for creating an abstract watermelon, but it gets even better. Did you see the lining fabric? We found this bright pink with black kitties inside, so the seeds are cats! This fabric also has spots of glitter. It's really neat, but we couldn't get much. This is a very limited run Cat Ball® cat bed.
Green Zig Zag Fabric with Kitty Seeds
Oh don't mind Retro! He's a busy cat.
The fabrics are just so fun and perfect. I'm really excited about this one. Retro is excited too, you have to believe me.
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