Cat Toys: the HEXBUG
Tink watches a HEXBUG toy.
The HEXBUG Nano is a fast little electronic toy, like a robotic bug. It was made to be a toy for kids but there is an intersection between kid's toys and cat toys! Cats like the HEXBUG, but it moves really fast and it is hard to catch. It can also disappear under things quickly. Here are some tips and tricks that make it easier for your cat to enjoy this robotic toy, and harder for them to loose it.
- A Box - Put your HEXBUG in a box. It can't disappear under the couch now, and it will be easier for your cat to capture it.
- Add Paper - Hide the HEXBUG under a sheet of paper. Your cat will be attracted to the additional noise and the moving paper. Oh, this is really fun.
- Fabric - Hide the HEXBUG under a thin piece of fabric, like a bandanna.
- A Paper Bag - Put your HEXBUG into a small paper bag and watch your cat respond to the noise and movement.
- Plastic Bag - Try putting the HEXBUG into a zipper close plastic bag. Once inside the bag, you can put the HEXBUG on soft surfaces, such as the bed, and the toy can move, make noise, but won't get lost. Cats will bite at the bag and can even pick it up. We like using the Ziploc® Space Bag® because they are really thick, thicker than food storage bags. The small, travel size are a good choice.

- Easter Egg - They fit into plastic Easter eggs, and the result is a little vibrating egg that intrigues the cats.
- Sew It Into a Pouch - You don't need to have great sewing skills, in fact, you could tape, glue or staple the fabric together. Simply enclose the HEXBUG into a square of fabric. You will still able to turn it off/on, and the HEXBUG won't be able to get lost under the couch.
- Into other Cat Toys - I've put my HEXBUG into the Bergan Turbo Track and into the Smart Cat Peek and Play Toy Box. The vibrating toy will make noise and attract the cats. It will be possible for cats to remove the HEXBUG from these secondary toys.
- Tissue Grass - Have a look at the video below. The green stuff here is a party supply called "tissue grass", and we've seen cats like this stuff a lot on its own. Well, in this video I buried a HEXBUG under the tissue grass. This stuff is surprisingly durable and is an inexpensive item.
Retro is getting silly with a HEXBUG inside an Easter egg.
HEXBUG inside the Bergan Turbo Track cat toy
Ideas I want to try
- Tennis Ball - If you cut a slit in a tennis ball and popped a vibrating HEXBUG into it, would it move around and appeal to pets? I want to try!
- Hamster Ball - The HEXBUG should work in a hamster ball, shouldn't it?
- Space Bag® in the bathtub - If you put the HEXBUG in a Ziploc® Space Bag® and put it in the bathtub, it will float and vibrate. Can I get the cat to go in the water to chase it?
Do you know other fun ways that cats can play with the HEXBUG? Share your ideas and experiences in the comments.
HEXBUG has a special Pinterest board for pets right here, and maybe there are more ideas.
Great toy, will have to try the grass and hexbug option. My cats get bored so fast with regular cat toys now. Thanks for info.
I’m going to try some of these. I got Bear Cat a Hexbug a couple years ago and all he did was run from it :p
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